Govt-Choice provides you the top best Vocabulary from The Hindu editorial on a daily basis to enhance your vocabulary power which will help you in your preparation for all competitive exams English paper. You can easily learn The Hindu vocabulary words from Govt-Choice blog as we provide each vocab with their hindi meaning on regular basis. All these important the Hindu vocabulary words are explained with their Synonyms. We also provide our blog readers daily Word Of The Day (with Hindi meaning and example sentence ) and Idiom Of The Day ( with Hindi meaning ) which will help all competitive written exam Aspirants in gaining extra marks in the English section of all government jobs written exams like AFCAT, CDS, NDA, Bank, SSC, Railway etc.
The Hindu editorial important vocabulary

  • PLOY - चाल
    : a clever trick or plan
    Synonyms artifice, dodge, fetch, flimflam, gambit, gimmick
  • HEFTY - बड़ा
    : very large
    Synonyms heavy, massive, ponderous, weighty
    : something that is said or done to show that you want peace
  • SPEARHEAD - आरंभक
    : to serve as leader of
    Synonyms boss, captain, command, head, lead
  • ADMONISH - सलाह देना
    : to give advice to
    Synonyms adjure, advise, counsel
  • SUFFICE - पर्याप्त होना
    : to be enough
  • ANTICIPATE - पूर्वानुमान
    : to realize or know about beforehand
    Synonyms foresee, divine, forefeel, foreknow, prevision
  • ENDEAVOR - प्रयास
    : an effort to do or accomplish something
    Synonyms bid, crack, attempt, try, whack, whirl, effort
  • ONEROUS - कष्टदायक
    : difficult and unpleasant to do or deal with
    Synonyms bitter, brutal, burdensome, cruel, excruciating

: suffering from mental confusion
<some addlepated clerk had confused our hotel reservation with that of another, similarly named, party>

NECK AND NECK - नज़दीक
Meaning: If two competitors are running neck and neck in a race, they are so close that it's impossible to tell who's better or winning.

Vocabulary is an essential tool to score good marks in the English section. You have to intensify the command over it essentially. Improve your reading skills by reading the newspaper daily and hence note down the meanings of new and different words. This way you will be able to understand the context of the sentences very easily. Thanks for reading today's Top English Vocabulary words with Hindi meaning and synonyms of each word, Word Of The Day and Idiom Of The Day on Govt-Choice blog.